2018 is set to be a massive year for night life in North Cyprus with the lauch of the all brand new Club CLOUD9INE (former Club Big Bang). The club will officially launch on 31st 2017 to usher in the new year 2018 and from then on it's gonna be lit lit lit.
The management of the now former Club Big Bang have reportedly over Three Hundred Thousad Turkish Liras (300,000TL) to refurbish and re-design the club to a whole new standard outside and interior look. A new manager has also been apointed in person od Dotun Tabular Rasar (CEO of Pysops Incs).
Details about the new year's eve event will be announced this week. stay tuned.
#EXCLUSIVE: 2018 Just Got Better As Club CLOUD9INE Launches In Cyprus
Reviewed by Unknown

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