Migos Beef With Nigerian Mega Superstar, Speed Darlington.

Top American rap group, Migos are known for their tough guy image and music but they werent ready for their latest hiphop beef which sees them pitching against New York based rapper, Speed Darlington a.k.a Irregular Speedomeeter lol. It all started after Offset, a member of the Migos posted a picture on Instagram with the caption 'NOT REGULAR'. Now that slogan has been popularised over the summer by Speedy BaBa and in retailaition, Speedometer took to his own instgram to call out Offset and ban the Migos from ever coming to New York or else him and his 3 friends would teach them that African Voodoo is nothing to Joke with. See below.

Migos Beef With Nigerian Mega Superstar, Speed Darlington. Migos Beef  With Nigerian Mega Superstar, Speed Darlington. Reviewed by Unknown on 05:57 Rating: 5

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