#NEWS: NSS Presidential Candidate, Zachary Audu Unveils 12 Points Agenda And They All Centre Around EMPOWERMENT.

As the Nigerian Students Society elections in EMU draw near, foremost candidate, Zachary Audu Aiju has unveiled his 12 points agenda which will be his main focus should he be elected into office and just as we expected, it is all centered around empowerment of Nigerian students in the school.

The agenda's includes:
Youth Empoiwerment through enterprenuership.
Fund raising events to help Nigerian Students.
Sports Events and sponsorship for Nigerian teams in different sporting activities.
Educational Conferences.
Eradication of hunger through the NSS food basket.
Security for all students.
Equality between Nigerians.
Academic assistance.
Involvement of the Nigerian government to tackle immigration problems.
Social Activities
Voice for all Nigerians.

Zachary Audu Aiji hopes to achieve all these with the help of donors and sponsorship from his Huncho Foundation through which he has sponsored over 100 pupils to school in Nigeria and also donated monetary assistance, food stuffs and clothing to the Internally Displaced People's Camp in Nigeria.

Zachary will be speaking at the election manifesto which takes place on 2nd November, 2017 in EMU while the election proper takes place on 3rd November, 2017.

We wish the best candidate to win.

#NEWS: NSS Presidential Candidate, Zachary Audu Unveils 12 Points Agenda And They All Centre Around EMPOWERMENT. #NEWS: NSS Presidential Candidate, Zachary Audu Unveils 12 Points Agenda And They All Centre Around EMPOWERMENT. Reviewed by Unknown on 03:53 Rating: 5

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