#REPLAYTUNES: Flamez Is The Only Rapper I Recognise In Cyprus - Masscut.

Cyprus based rapper, Masscut has replied ChyzziThaRapGod who put up $10,000 for a rap battle by saying that he (Masscut) doesn't have that same amount of money to put up but that doesn't change the fact that he still feels like he is the best rapper in the country.

He also says that he respects every artist that is making music on the Island but the only rapper he gives respect to is Flamez from DET. Ironically, Flamez is asking Chyzzi to say names and stop throwing shade if he is bold enough to. 

See the exchange below.

#REPLAYTUNES: Flamez Is The Only Rapper I Recognise In Cyprus - Masscut. #REPLAYTUNES: Flamez Is The Only Rapper I Recognise In Cyprus - Masscut. Reviewed by Unknown on 04:23 Rating: 5

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