#REPLAYTUNES: 100 Students Enterprenures In Cyprus To Be Empowered As Zachary Aiji Audu Hosts Business Seminar 23 March in EMU.
Yesterday we broke news of an upcoming busniness empowerment senminar that will be held in Eastern Mediterrenean University in Cyprus by one of our young Nigerian enterprenures and philantropists, Zachary Aiji Audu. Yes , today we have full details on the seminar and this is just what a lot of students in Cyprus will need to create a better financial future for themselves.
The ENTREINVESTORS BUSINESS & Empowerment Seminar will be taking place on 23 March, 2018 by 4PM at Blue Hall, EMU main campus.
At this event, up to 100 students with enterprenural ideas and innovations will be introduced and connected with rich and finacial investors wo whill mentor and help finance these ideas with a sound plan that will turn it into a reality and possibly a profritable franchise.
The event will be taking place on 23rd March, 2018 by 4PM at Blue Hall, EMU will feature 3 guest speakers including:
CEO of the popular Costa Coffee with owns 24 branches of the franchise in the United Kingdoms and 1 branch in Cyprus. He’s a share holder and Costa Coffee is the 2nd largest coffee chain after Starbucks
The scond speaker for the day will be Aydin Durmaz. Graduated from emu 2005 and is a successful business man who imports and sales electronics in Cyprus, Turkey.
And the the third speaker for the day will be Oluwatoyin Abidemi, he’s a Business planner and entrepreneur from Girne American university.
#REPLAYTUNES: 100 Students Enterprenures In Cyprus To Be Empowered As Zachary Aiji Audu Hosts Business Seminar 23 March in EMU.
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