Controversial Nigerian gay man, Bob Risky who has been involved in many social media battlessince his rise to fame has come out to accuse yet another of his enemies, MC Galaxy of trying to have sex with him. According to the risky one, MC Galaxy tried to have sex with him and went as far as placing him on a monthly slsary of N200,000 as toasting fee.
Well we dont believe anything that comes out of Bob Risky's mouth after he lied about the nature of his recent arrest which was later exposed. He is also alledgedly living in a rented house whih he claims that he owns on social media. Just too may lies. Not to mention the fact that many people have come out to say that he has a very strong body odor due to the cheap bleaching cream he uses.
MC Galaxy Tried To F*ck Me And I Refused - Bob Risky.
Reviewed by Unknown

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