After Paying N18M For A Verse, M.I Abaga Files Law Suit Against Nicki Minaj’s Boyfriend, Nas

MI Abaga Sues Nicki Minaj's Boyfriend Nas
Nigerian rapper, M.I Abaga and Chocolate City filed a lawsuit in New York State Supreme Court against American hip-hop artist, Nas claiming that he didn’t deliver the verse they wanted.

MI Abaga Sues Nicki Minaj's Boyfriend Nas
In the lawsuit, Nas and Mass Appeal Records’ Ronnie Goodman, are accused of duping Chocolate City after they had paid the rapper $50,000 (about N18million) for the verse.

The details of the deal were that Nas was supposed to mention “M.I, Chocolate City, Nigeria, Queens, New York—NAS’s hometown—, Mandela, Trayvon Martin, and the struggles of Africans and African Americans” in his verse.
Nas went on to deliver a verse but it didn’t mention any of the subject matter Chocolate City had asked for. 
The Nigerian label requested that the Queens rapper to re-record the verse, and three year later, it hasn’t happened despite them delivering the $50,000 payment.

After Paying N18M For A Verse, M.I Abaga Files Law Suit Against Nicki Minaj’s Boyfriend, Nas After Paying N18M For A Verse, M.I Abaga Files Law Suit Against Nicki Minaj’s Boyfriend, Nas Reviewed by Elite Ambassador on 13:30 Rating: 5

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