Zimbabwean Artist, PHATSO To Launch Debut EP 22 Feb. Kevin Tita, Tizzer, Track Kila & More To Perform.
Come 22nd February, the music industry in Cyprus will be turning out en mass to support Zimbabwean singer and producer, Phatso who is signed to Wave Nation as he launches his EP at HangOver Bar in Lefksoia. On the bill to open up the event is award winning rapper, Kevin Tita along side other acts such as Tizzer, Lemo, Track Kila and Locco. On the wheels of steel will be ASGA Award winning disk jockey, DJ SimonSayz who is responsible for Phatso's rise as an artist in Kribris as well as DJ Engine. Entry is totally free all night. BE THERE!!!
Zimbabwean Artist, PHATSO To Launch Debut EP 22 Feb. Kevin Tita, Tizzer, Track Kila & More To Perform.
Reviewed by Unknown

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