EVENTS: NSS EMU To Host PRE-GRADUATION FIESTA For Graduating Students This Friday.

The Nigerian Students Society of EMU will be hosting an event to celebrate the graduating students of the school themed 'PRE-GRADUATION FIESTA'. The event will be taking place at Activityz Centre, EMU Main Campus and will feature lots of fun activities including comedy, music performances, games, an exclusive chat with the graduating students.  The event will kick by 2pm and end by 5pm. 

Award winning rapper, Kevin Tita, NI Emeka are among the over a handful of artists that will be performing.

Be there and don't be told. Lets come out and celebrate with our graduating students.

EVENTS: NSS EMU To Host PRE-GRADUATION FIESTA For Graduating Students This Friday. EVENTS: NSS EMU To Host PRE-GRADUATION FIESTA For Graduating Students This Friday. Reviewed by Unknown on 01:43 Rating: 5

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