BoomPink Online Clothing & Accessories Store Offering 80% Discount With Free Shipping.

Cyprus based online clothing and accessories store, is offering it's potential customers an 80% discount on all products bought from their website from now till 11th January.  The clothing store is the first of it's kind that we know of on the Island, they sell a wide range of items including clothes, shows of any size and brand, ladies hand bags, designer bags for guys, phones, ipads, electronic equipments, human hair, make up kits and more and the juice is.. if you order from Cyprus, you get FREE SHIPPING no matter where the product is coming from.

Check out all their products from their official website  or call +905338602082. 
BoomPink Online Clothing & Accessories Store Offering 80% Discount With Free Shipping. BoomPink Online Clothing & Accessories Store Offering 80% Discount With Free Shipping. Reviewed by Unknown on 10:52 Rating: 5

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